On February 16th Hungarian and Spanish teachers and pupils arrived in Palermo, Sicily. After our hosts greeted us we headed to Monreale, where we stayed for the rest of our trip. We settled in at our hotel, and had time to rest before going to a local restaurant for dinner. We tasted traditional Sicilian cuisine and talked with our Spanish counterparts. After a tiring day we slept well, and the next morning we were greeted in the town hall by the mayor, and teachers of the Basile-D’Aleo school. We then walked to the nearby cathedral and looked around in awe. Then the time finally came to meet the Italian students. At their school we watched traditional dances, then they sang a song. The students and teachers then parted ways, the students headed to the computer lab to learn about making and editing films with Mr. Messina, and the teachers gathered to discuss the mobility, logo, and the project. Then came lunch. We mingled and talked with the other nations and ate amazing foods. Then back to work we went and each nation held a presentation about start-up regulations in their country and tips on how to make it work. Our team soon presented our short films that our students had made, as an example for the ones to come.
The logo of the whole project was also chosen by the delegation of the three nations. You can chech out the logos from which they had to choose in a previous post ( The second task and logo competition ). After saying goodbye to our new Italian friends, we made our way to the Casa D'Alia museum where we could see archaeological finds from the area. For dinner we went to Casale del Principe where we had a buffet style dinner with many foods to choose from. And finally tired but happy we returned to our hotel.
The 19th of February, our last day in Palermo was full of sightseeing. In the morning we got on a tour bus first. We saw the city from the hill Monreale stands on, and from the streets. We stopped at the Palace of the Normans, where we took a tour of the building. We then went to the centre, and oldest part of Palermo, where we could see beautiful sculptures, statues, and buildings. We then had free time to walk around and shop on our own. We met for dinner, and had amazing food yet again. To close the day we said goodbye to our Spanish and Italian friends and went back to our hotel. We woke up at 4:30 the next morning to catch our early flight back to Hungary. We were all sad to leave, but also happy to be home. All together this trip was an adventure none of us will ever forget.
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